Black and white! .... that's real photography.
All about shape, texture and form.
All about shape, texture and form.

Modern Girl
(PAGB Gold Medal Winner)

The Passage

Path Through the Trees
(PAGB Gold Medal Winner)

Le Chat Noir

Dungeness Beach

Passing Strangers

In The Shadows

Passing Picasso

Frosted Leaves

Reaching Out

Through Sliding Doors

Cycling in Cambridge

Head to Head

ARPS Panel

Beauty and the Beast

Extreme Selfie


Cafe Society

Ready For The Prom

Shadowed Steel Steps

Is This The Penalty Spot?

Lille in the Rain

Harrogate Pump Room

Self Portrait on 42nd St

Shall We, Shan't We?

Into The Gallery

Air Guitar

Beauty and the Beast

The Muse in her Garrett

A Modern Take on the Graduate

Blustery Burgers Drive In

Wintry Landscape in the Snow

Lock and Chain

Beauty and the Beast

In The Hall of the Mountain King

Tattoo and Lace